Room Dialect

The room dialect maintains nesting through the availability of open doors that permit access to deeper rooms. Explicitly the outermost door leads outside.


The room dialect bears a resemblance to the Wall Dialect.

What Ward did is […] thinking anew about how we might make a Link. That link is a link that has a lot of respect for people because it opens doors instead of putting up walls.

Here, none of the walls, vertical or horizontal, indicate Containment. Rather a contained Form has a door.

The direction that the door opens specifies the nesting gradient. The shapes of rooms represent types of boundary. Variables occupy rooms, they do not need a room of their own.

This design mixes the relational and the enclosure styles, since specific forms substituted for variables would need additional space. Structure Sharing works only in some cases.

The room dialect is special because it represents an experiential three-dimensional environment. We are looking down from-above into rooms, with the roof removed. The intent of this dialect is to Provide an Explorable Space, where the structure of the form, and therefore the structure of arithmetic, can be experienced. Representation can be either an environment or an object.

Surveillance is sometimes spoken of as a God’s eye view of the world. page

This dialect then has a version that exchanges the omniscient from-above perspective for a participatory from-within experience with limited knowledge of the surrounding structure or rooms.

For example, in discovering the Dominion configuration, the participant might close the outer door permanently once the inner empty room has been located. Again Arrangement in the room dialect converts the variable A from cul-de-sac into nexus.

Not all schools are committed to learning. In fact, the primary purpose of many schools is to teach. Teaching and learning are fundamentally different.

**DE**: Der Raumdialekt ist etwas Besonderes, weil er eine erfahrbare dreidimensionale Umgebung darstellt. In Abbildung 13-9 blicken wir von oben auf die Räume hinunter, wobei das Dach entfernt wurde. Die Absicht dieses Dialekts ist es, einen erkundbaren Raum zu schaffen, in dem die Struktur der Form und damit die Struktur der Arithmetik erfahren werden kann. Die Repräsentation kann entweder eine Umgebung oder ein Objekt sein. Dieser Dialekt hat dann eine Version, die die allwissende Perspektive von oben gegen eine partizipative Erfahrung von innen mit begrenztem Wissen über die umgebende Struktur oder die Räume austauscht. Bei der Entdeckung der Dominion-Konfiguration könnte der Teilnehmer zum Beispiel die äußere Tür dauerhaft schließen, sobald er den inneren leeren Raum gefunden hat. Auch hier wandelt Arrangement im Raumdialekt die Variable A von Sackgasse in Nexus um.

Bricken, Iconic Arithmetic Volume I


Dnets, rooms and paths, like sentences, are temporal. Although their display structure shows an entire configuration concurrently, their process structure evolves over time. Unlike Text, each dialect is a mixture of linear and parallel components.

The *room dialect* is a minor modification of the Dnet Dialect that provides, given appropriate scaling, the opportunity to participate physically inside a computational process the same way that data is transferred between operations before finally being converted into a result.

Divergent paths are choices of which door to go through. Computation implemented with room model involves closing axiomatically specified doors.


Bricken, Iconic Arithmetic Volume III: The Structure of Imaginary And Infinite Forms, p. 355–356.

DOT FROM lambda-browsing