RoPs - Class practices in the organising of knowing

Various forms of class practice in the producing and mobilising of knowledges have evolved during Fordism and post-Fordism. Altered relations of production (aRoPs) in this dimension of knowing constitute different cultural formations - activist formations, radical formations, prefigurative formations - with different scopes and different politics. Four RoPs are highlighted.

- Organic intellectual practice - Facilitation, including facilitating participatory design of infrastructures - Commoning - Free association, self-organising Just briefly . .

- **Organic intellectual practice** - Was highlighted for example in the 70s by Ivan **Illich**, in his *Tools for conviviality* and *Deschooling society*. Organic intellectual practice is a discovery of the Fordist era. It stands in opposition to the Professional-Managerial Class. Also, in opposition to revolutionary vanguard, priestly caste, bardic elite, etc.

- **Free association, self-organising**. These are highlighted for example by Paulo **Freire** in his practice of *conscientisation*. It stands in opposition to the authoritative State, and the nanny State. It is not the cultural industries.

- **Commoning** - the curating, stewarding and enjoying by all, of material or cultural resources - is highlighted by Michel **Bauwens** and the **P2PF**. Peer-to-peer is a discovery of the post-post-Fordist period. P2P asserts the primacy of **the mutual sector**. It stands in opposition to the enclosing bureaucratising State, the consumerist individualist patriarchal household, the capitalist monetising market.

- **Facilitation**, including facilitating **participatory design** of infrastructures. Facilitation is one of the great political discoveries of the educated baby-boomer, post-Fordist activist generation - an extension of rank-&-file labour movement activism into community development. Communities of participatory design developed particularly in the 80s, with the advent of post-Fordist IT infrastructure. It stands for the autodidact and in opposition to preconceptualisation and managerial hierarchy.

Formacion in the Living Economy needs all of these alternative, prefigurative RoPs to be instantiated in the practice. ---