
Look out your window; the one embedded in your wall, not your computer screen, there you see the Big Room. ⇒ wir sassen noch immer am fenster

Chroma key compositing, or chroma keying, is a visual-effects and post-production technique for compositing (layering) two images or video streams together based on colour hues (chroma range). wikipedia

Learning intentions set the focus for what we intend our learners to discover and learn. They make Purpose explicit and, when phrased as a question, invite active investigation. Learners are more likely to be successful when ‘the what’ of learning is clear.

Protocols like VNC do the remote display and user input handling we’ve discussed, although they are typically more complicated to start than clicking a link in a web browser. But since both systems in a Snowglobe session are Smalltalk, we can go beyond simple screen sharing. We can use Tether to send any remote messages we want, so either side can modify the app-streaming behavior in response to user actions. For example, the user might decide to go full-screen in the web browser displaying the app, prompting SqueakJS to notify the remote

A transgender man (i.e., someone who was born female and subsequently transitioned gender) was registered with his medical practice and the UK National Health Service as male. Having a vagina and cervix, he arranged a cervical screening test (US: Pap test). When the test results came back suggesting abnormalities, the hospital follow up checks were significantly delayed by confusion over why a man needed cervical cancer checks.

Peek Gif Recorder is the perfect screen capture tool for short and sharp video clips. It was designed to use ffmpeg and ImageMagick to take screencasts of your desktop and animate them to make them Gifs. page

Display other meeting particpants while screen sharing. page

tmux is a terminal multiplexer: it enables a number of terminals to be created, accessed, and controlled from a single screen. tmux may be detached from a screen and continue

Look out your window; the one embedded in your wall, not your computer screen, there you see the Big Room.

> It’s a bit lonley when you’re sharing your screen but you can’t see the other participants.

You may think you want a screen that shows what you own but you really want a system that knows how you came to own it and can explain that.

The aim here is to use the screen real estate provided by ghost-page's and use this space to provide literate tools for wiki.

All graphical displays in those days were made from WWII radar tubes where the beam traced out figures under computer control. More figures took longer. The computer was fast, but not fast enough to fill the screen. We dreamed then of a computer memory so vast that there could be one bit allocated to every spot on the screen and they could all be on at once. Total white. It would be awesome.


screen | BrE skriːn, AmE skrin | A noun 1 (partition) Trennwand (Fem.) (piece of furniture) Wandschirm (Mask.) (fire screen) [Ofen]schirm (Mask.) see also rood screen 2 (sth that conceals from view) Sichtschutz (Mask.) (Hunting) [Jagd]schirm (Mask.) (of trees, persons, fog) Wand (Fem.) (of persons) Mauer (Fem.) (expression of face or measure adopted for concealment) Maske (Fem.) (of indifference, secrecy also) Wand (Fem.), Mauer (Fem.) 3 (surface on which pictures are projected) Leinwand (Fem.) Projektionswand (Fem.) (in cathode-ray tube) Schirm (Mask.) ▸ [TV] screen [Fernseh]schirm (Mask.) Bildschirm (Mask.) ▸ the screen (Cinema) die Leinwand ▸ stage and screen Bühne und Leinwand ▸ the small screen der Bildschirm 4 (vertical display surface) (for exhibits) Stellwand (Fem.) (for notices) Pinnwand (Fem.), Anschlagtafel (Fem.) 5 (Physics) [Schutz]schirm (Mask.) (Electricity) Abschirmung (Fem.) 6 (Motor Vehicles) ▶ windscreen 7 (US) (netting to exclude insects) Fliegendraht (Mask.) Fliegengitter (Neutr.) 8 (sieve) [Wurf]sieb (Neutr.) Durchwurf (Mask.) 9 (in cricket) ▶ sight screen 10 (Photography) Mattscheibe (Fem.) 11 (Printing) [Bild]raster (Mask.) B transitive verb 1 (shelter) schützen (from vor + Dat.) (conceal) verdecken ▸ screen one's eyes from the sun seine Augen vor der Sonne schützen seine Augen gegen die Sonne beschirmen (formal) ▸ be screened from view vor Einblicken geschützt sein ▸ screen sth from sb etw. jmds. Blicken entziehen 2 (show) vorführen, zeigen ‹Dias, Film› 3 (test) durchleuchten (for auf … [Akk.] hin) 4 (figurative) (protect) decken ‹Straftäter› (from blame) in Schutz nehmen (from gegen) (from justice) bewahren (from vor + Dat.) 5 (sieve) [durch]sieben 6 (Electricity, Physics) abschirmen PHRASAL VERB screen off transitive verb abteilen ‹Teil eines Raums› [mit einem Wandschirm] abtrennen ‹Bett›