
Here we collect and manage scripts used in this site. All are served from an Assets folder held here and possibly referenced elsewhere. We prefer two word phrases for script names and expect documentation to be provided by three word titles ending in Script. github

Mobile Map Script creates a json file with destinations to be explored together.

Page Graph Script creates a page with a Graphviz diagram of non-place pages.

Visited Places Script selects and reorders recent places by the applied tag.

Make New Places Script from gallery of recent uploads not on pages yet.



Scripts also support a computational theory, similar in spirit to frames in artificial intelligence (Minsky 1981). Both are based on the general idea of schemas as a basis for mental representation (see e.g. Arbib 1989; Brewer and Nakamura 1984; Bartlett 1932; Bobrow and Norman 1975; Rumelhart 1980). According to schema theory, people organize knowledge about familiar objects, situations, and procedures in terms of prototypes, or schemas. A schema consists of a representation for common knowledge that is shared by all instances, and a number of slots

Script of Scripts (SoS) is a computational environment for the development and execution of scripts in multiple languages for daily computational research. It can be used to develop scripts to analyze data interactively in a Jupyter environment, and, with minimal effort, convert the scripts to a workflow that analyzes a large amount of data in batch mode. page , github