
joins together multiple references to the same form, while Abstraction ignores selected features. [The occurrence of identical subpatterns within a Form. ⇒ Dnet Dialect]

is different than structural abstraction. Structure sharing is not available in textual dialects.

Icon of the app that allows you to share files and folders on your FreedomBox with selected user groups over the Internet.

While learning, it is often beneficial to see in advance an overview of the upcoming content. This approach is called advanced organization, showing new concepts first so that when they are encountered later, in perhaps an unfamiliar context, the learner will not be taken aback by novelty.

To be able to share more than files and folders, we move into another dimension. Not only do we observe the two-dimensionality of a sheet of paper or a screen, but beyond that, in a higher dimension of observation: the Second-Order Observation of our reading, we can ask the question, how do we share our learning?


Geoffrey Hinton: 10:13 – ... thousand times as much as a person but they've got a trillion connections and we've got 100 trillion connections so they're much much better at getting a lot of Knowledge [sic!] into only a trillion connections than we are and I think it's because back propagation may be a much much better learning algorithm ...

# Better at learning

11:34 – ... of the data and whenever one of them learns anything all the others know it one of them figures out how to change the weight so it knows its state it can deal with this data they all communicate with each other and they all agree to change the weights by the average of what all of them want and now the ...

12:02 – ... and people can't do that if I learn a whole lot of stuff about quantum mechanics and I want you to know all that stuff about quantum mechanics it's a long painful process of getting you to understand it I can't just copy my weights into your brain because your brain isn't exactly the same as mine no it's not.

12:28 – So we have digital computers that can learn more things more quickly and they can instantly teach it to each other it's like you know if people in the room here could instantly transfer what they had in their heads in into mind um but why why is that scary well because they can learn so much more and they ...


The FedWiki is first and foremost an individual writing platform.