A Test Suite is a composite used to collect detail of Test Cases.
An example here would be nice. As a complete beginner to test-first development, I cannot tell whether the below comment and code is approving of the idea of Test Suite, or disapproving and giving a counterexample. Also I don't see the word "Test Suite" in the below code, which is confusing.
Why is it better to model suites explicitly in code? My implementation uses a structured name (for example "/system1/module1/test1") and the Test Driver can pattern-match using regular expressions or a simple prefix to decide which tests to execute. I think this gets all the benefits without any code.
void testcase1(void) { TEST_ASSERT(1 == 1); } TESTCASE("/system1/module1/test1", testcase1);
$ testdriver -p /system1/module1
See original on c2.com