The Day Scott Tried Wiki

Scott is a MediaWiki expert. We met at a MediaWiki conference where I (Ward) showed our recent work with aspect graphs. Inspired, he sought to install federated wiki as localhost following our instructions. I tried to help but even working together we did not succeed.

When I joined Scott he had installed wiki and had logged in to localhost using a security plugin that he had patched to support MediaWiki credentials. This alone qualifies him as expert. He had also sent us the patch making him already a co-developer. github

He was looking to build on the work I had presented. For this he would need the Solo plugin and some tips on making the graphs that it displays. I was in the process of making this easy but little of what I had already done was mention in the about page. See About Solo Plugin

Much of the conversation at the conference had been about choosing and installing MediaWiki plugins for specific or even general applications. I had used as an example in my talk. This would be a good place for Scott to start since it was a small and welcoming when the Zones plugin was installed. Scott, let me show you how to use Plugmatic to complete your install.

- You need Plugmatic, fortunately it is preinstalled. - You need to choose Plugmatic on the Factory menu. - You need a Factory item, that comes from the [+] button - You need a place to put it but you have no pages yet. - You have Welcome Visitors, I won't explain how. - You need to type the plugin name which isn't Zones. - You need to close the editor with the right keystroke. - You need to click on the red stoplight to install. - But the stoplight is gray because you are not admin.

As the conference day is coming to a close Scott and I try a dozen different ways to declare him admin of his own laptop. Nothing works. Folks are gathering to head out for drinks. Scott says, I'll work on this later. I'll read the code.