Throw Three Stones Into a Well

[…], it is not possible to present this theory in the form of a linear progression from the general to the particular by first stating the fundamental and general and then elaborating the resulting conclusions. Rather, the result is a confusing relationship – like throwing three stones into a well at the same time.

Each of the following parts contains points of view in relation to which the statements of the others can be put into Perspective. The presentation must therefore proceed pragmatically and make do with references.

More appropriate would be the form of a labyrinthine diagram, a work of art, a memory, a box of notes (Zettelkasten) with a multitude of entrances, many centers and a relatively free choice of route for the user.


Niklas Luhmann, Theorie der Gesellschaft (1975) (Suhrkamp-Titel: Systemtheorie der Gesellschaft. Berlin, 2017) pdf pdf books , p. 266.

DOT FROM two-level-diagram