Tips For Boost Libraries

Tips For Boost Libraries is inspired by the idea for Category Tips.

I am a user of several Boost Libraries and I am also working to develop code and remove bugs from Boost Phoenix Library, which I did not write. Boost Phoenix Library relies heavily on two other libraries, Boost Fusion and Boost Proto Library. I have also used a lot of the other libraries at different times. I plan to build this page as a set of tips for the use of different libraries. -- John Fletcher

Carefully check versions of Boost Libraries

The Boost Libraries are updated regularly, see that page for details. That does not mean that all of the libraries have changed. Some older libraries do not change much at all. In some cases there may be problems with a library or its examples. This may because the compilers for Cee Plus Plus have changed and become better at checking the code conforms to the standard. The code in many cases is complex and sorting this out may not be easy. It is possible to go back and get earlier versions of the code, but it may be necessary also to go to an older version of the compiler, which may not be possible on your system. -- John Fletcher

Related: Boost For Dummies which is another idea I had earlier. This page may well provide materials for it.

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