We are all one.
Since hearing the phrase, Wrapping with Love we have found ourselves more intentionally creating spaces where we hope others might experience this sensation. We have been surprised to discover that in doing so for others, we experience the sensation from them. It is the perfect example of a Reciprocal Relationship.
Recent scientific research is proving that we are all connected in more ways than one. Brain scans are showing us that our minds are already connected. We are making visible that which some simply believed to be true based on intuition and faith.
>Pervasiveness: Specific versus Universal. >"Permanence is about time. Pervasiveness is about space." > > – _Martin Seligman_
The image seen when thinking of the Universe is outer space.
>"Between absolute optimism or absolute pessimism there is no middle way, because by its very nature progress is all or nothing." > > – _Teilhard Chardin_
Me, we, the world are universally connected. In this Deep Truth, we will find freedom, in this freedom, we will make meaning, in this meaning, we will find truth.