Visualising the Federation

Here we look at how we might visualise the Federation, and explore using Cytoscape to achieve a scaleable ability to visualise the network of links and in particular Network of Forks relevant to a particular writing context.

Visualization Is Coming Of Age. We now have a number of well crafted javascript based visualisation libraries, and we have the graph libraries and graph database(s).

# Federation Graph Data

The idea here is to have services which generate different forms of graph data in the following form for Cytoscape -

# See also

Mission: to create a set of navigable maps to make it much clearer how all the sites fit together and who is working on what.

A graph of a wiki is a visualisation of links between wiki pages. This is different from using wiki to define graphs.

We can author graphs in wiki using our own notation inside a About Graph Plugin. This is work-in-progress.

Here we look at how wiki can be used to author, or define a network simply be creating wiki links between pages, or by using a special markup within wiki.

Visualizing fedwiki as a network. The Linkmap plugin "will ask the server to create a map of all its pages and the links between them". I think this is an interesting topic, but this wasn't the primary focus of the conversation I had with @coevolving that started this thread.

He we list a few pages and sites about graph and network visualisation as it relates to FedWiki.

Wolfram language has native support for processing and visualising any form of graph -