What is a System

A system is the dynamic outcome of interactions among its parts and between the system and its environment.

>Parenthetically, when systems interact with the environment, it is most often the parts, not the whole, that is interacting.

> Add diagram(s) to illustrate the concepts.

Sofi is a powerful way to visualize the state and dynamics of purposeful social systems. The key types of parts are the 11 functions, or Spheres of Influence. The key types of processes, or repetitive actions, are the 66 links between the 11 Spheres of Influence.

The actors, or sources of **action**, for the processes are individuals and teams, institutions, and even places; each of which has its unique experiences and perspectives (points of view, or worlds).

Each Sphere of Influence and every link process must have someone or some group that is Responsible and Accountable for the results of the processes and for the state of the function, or Sphere of Influence.

People and action show up at various places and times. The variations on place, time, and people create diverse situations and diverse ways of doing things and diverse results. By comparing the differences each can learn from the other and cooperate faster than could occur otherwise. See Comparisons

Sofi enables people and teams to learn from each other’s experience.

In human systems that are modeled after **mechanical systems**, people are replaceable parts and they are told what to do, even when doing so goes against their understanding of the system.

Sofi helps social systems to become more effective **living learning systems**, rather than mechanical production systems. People learn through conversations based upon shared purpose, shared models, shared evidence, shared suggestions and cooperative actions. Learning by doing together--**Action Learning**.
