A hyperlink from one wiki-page to another. __Wiki-link__s are usually created with simple markdown, and sometimes aided with a visual editor.
# Collaborative link In wiki we use the collaborative link for internal wiki-links. Roughly speaking, this simple mechanism ties the phrase clicked on to the destination pages title.
In seeking to make this effect as natural and simple as possible wiki created a form of linkage with profound consequences that we explore in more detail in federated wiki.
Collaborative links are context aware, that is they are dependent on their context, and the author can shape that context. We can imagine many processes that might shape this context and therefore mediate the behaviour of a collaborative link.
We could have intelligent links, or in more wiki-style we see ourselves as engaged in an evolving dialogue in which together with other authors and machines we create a new form of Augmented Social Link.
On the original wiki, they are created by writing a Camel Case word. Many other wikis allow the use of Free Links.
An External Wiki Link goes from a Wiki Page to a page on a separate wiki site, whereas an Internal Wiki Link links to a page in the same wiki. All these links make the World Wide Wiki - c2.com