Wiki Page JSON

We use this term to describe the JSON returned when a new Wiki Page is fetched from the server.

You can see the actual Page JSON for this page for instance by copying the link below and viewing it in the browser:

This is exaclty how the wiki-client fetches new JSON when displaying a page. This JSON is stored as a flat file on the server and you can view it if you have a loval wiki running in the .wiki folder.

This is what it looks like:

{ "title": "War and Peace", "story": [ { "type": "paragraph", "id": "08eaf0295b21d267", "text": "The strongest of all warriors..." } ], "journal": [ { "type": "create", "item": { "title": "War and Peace", "story": [] }, "date": 1383279726841 }, { "type": "add", "item": { "type": "factory", "id": "08eaf0295b21d267" }, "id": "08eaf0295b21d267", "date": 1383279861391 }, { "type": "edit", "item": { "type": "paragraph", "id": "08eaf0295b21d267", "text": "The strongest of all warriors..." }, "id": "08eaf0295b21d267", "date": 1383279872956 } ] }

If you select the grey JSON link at the bottom of this page you can view the wiki-page-jSON is a popup-window.

Here we describe the JSON Schema for a Wiki Page, that is the Wiki Page JSON that Fedwiki Pages are built out of. You can see this JSON for any particular page by selecting the JSON link at the bottom of the page.