Here we use the term __wiki-spam__ to refer to a bug in the current way federated wiki is hosted while in farm mode, where empty folders are created on the server. This clutter is more-or-less harmless, but interfeered with the way in which we can easily list hom many wiki sites are hosted on the server - and well is ugly.
# Meaning for wiki in general
In general terms a fundamental problem of wiki as a concept and as a practice is that advertisers can easily automate the creation of fake wiki entires or link-bait. this was not an issue in the early days of the internet because the audience was self-selecting and because advertising revenue was not a significant force.
is a wikiwide problem. It won't be solved but wikiwide.
These spammers add links to wikis, blogs, bulletin boards, and guestbooks so their Google page rank goes up. We need to all help keep an eye on this at all wikis and help clean it up where we can. Wiki Spam in general is described at .
# See also
- Spam Black List
- Wiki Spam Solutions
- Captcha Test
- Original on