
Zettel | ˈt͜sɛtḷ | masculine noun Gen. Zettels Pl. Zettel slip of paper, piece of paper (mit einigen Zeilen) note (Bekanntmachung) notice (Formular) Form (Kassenzettel) receipt (Handzettel) leaflet (Stimmzettel) [ballot] paper

Using a Zettelkasten is about optimizing a workflow of learning and producing Knowledge. The products are texts, mostly. The categories we deem fit currently are the following:

a single concept system that of containment

A pattern is a stable arrangement of something over Time. In this context we are looking to describe our inner emotional world, and external social context in terms of regularly repeating patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

The word meaning of Zetteln is: "to stretch the Warp on the loom".