Antje Heise

"Our intensive care unit has been practically always full for a few weeks now. At times, we therefore have to transfer intensive care patients to other hospitals. And that doesn't just affect Covid 19 patients, but also those with other serious illnesses." (Basler Zeitung, 2021-12-08, p. 3)

"Some unvaccinated people refuse to face reality. There are patients who are still glad to be infected shortly before intubation – because this way they receive a certificate even if they are unvaccinated. Most of them block the question why they are not vaccinated. On the other hand, the unvaccinated are often very demanding when it comes to receiving any therapy. Some demand to be transferred to a center hospital immediately, even when it's not necessary."

"Even unvaccinated people who communicate upon hospital admission that they don't want to be in the intensive care unit and refuse artificial respiration change their minds when their shortness of breath puts them in mortal fear. In such moments, people want everything for themselves. The price is then occasionally paid by non-Covid patients who can no longer get a place in the ICU and have to be transferred."

"In the canton of Bern, we are experiencing exactly the same thing after the second wave. We can operate circa 16 to 20 fewer intensive care beds in the canton this winter than are actually certified. That is catastrophic."

"And we can no longer simply bring in non-specialist personnel. They don't replace the know-how and are often no longer available. In addition, the willingness to help has decreased overall because everyone lacks the energy. Running 1500 intensive care beds in Switzerland is therefore a fantasy. Even the 1200 that we might have been able to organize briefly in the first wave and lockdown are no longer possible. And that's why we're looking with concern at the next few weeks."