Areas of Exploration

In this book, we are delving into a variety of areas. Here are some to explore:

Learning Manifesto To re-imagine, one needs to build a declarative bridge to cross the chasm to a new reality. Here is ours.

Agile At the core of this understanding of learning comes from new mindset and practices.

Path Start learning how your school might be able to become a part of this movement. Here is an framing of the process in four steps.

Process This path utilizes something called Pattern Languages. Learn more about his concept and how it is being used here.

Concepts There are a lot of new concepts that are used as we develop this Path. Here are some of the key ones.

Patterns We will be talking a lot about Patterns. Learn more about them here.

Innovate Oregon This initiative is guided by the volunteers of Innovate Oregon, a committed group of educators and industry professionals that are dedicated to the future of our children and our state.