EMP Visualisation

We explore the idea of creating an __EMP Visualisation__ in which we consider the movement, combination and recombination of memes as an electromagnetic phenomena which can be visualised much like weather.

# Evolving Memetic Pattern

In science fiction an EMP refers to an electromagnetic pulse often used as a weapon to disable robots. For us we view this as a form of force field that provides a context for evolving entities - EVs, and EPICs and EPs.

An evolving memetic pattern is a form of weather in the memosphere. We can visualise the life-like interactions of these evolving entities with a simple visualisation that resembles a weather map.

# Weather map We look to the near future where we create mixed reality based visualisations of the memosphere. For now we make do with some simple green screen based weather map style visualisations in our home studio.

# Theatrical staging The function of the EMP visualisation in its early stage is to provide an imaginary landscape within which we can tell many interesting stories. This landscape has the ability to enable new forms of story telling based around the ideas of epistemic media.