Mission: to create a set of navigable maps to make it much clearer how all the sites fit together and who is working on what.
Could be interesting to work with topogram.io
Each wiki page can have it's own About Graph Plugin and then we can aggregate these graphs using the Lineup to create on big graph of wiki. Using wiki this way allows us to make the process social.
Authors can fork a page and modify the graph - we could then aggregate author graphs into a common or majority proposal by and or with an algorithm. All things to explore.
Here we look at how we might visualise the federation, and explore using Cytoscape to achieve a scaleable ability to visualise the network of links and in particular Network of Forks relevant to a particular writing context.
At the moment we have a lot of sites. It is very hard to keep on top of the information an all these sites and to see what people are working on.
Proposed Solution
We've made some progress in dynamically graphing of knowledge as represented in wiki - lineup
We now look to visualise these graphs in more powerful ways. We plan to tackle the problem on two fronts:
The second stage is to explore automatic graph creation using cytoscape, and possible cola.js and or vega.
# Cola.js and cytoscape
JavaScript library for arranging your HTML5 documents and diagrams using constraint-based optimization technique - cola.js
Here we look at a collection of some of the best links for creating high quality interactive layouts in javascript:
* automatic subgraphs
* bubbly beauty
* adaptagrams C++ libraries - adaptagrams.org
# See also