Basler Zeitung
Although war is widely equated with the use of force as a means of harming an adversary, not every violent harm to an adversary qualifies as war. Martin van Creveld, on whose considerations the definitions chosen here are based, points out that historically in every form of society there have been rules for when the killing of a fellow human being is to be evaluated as murder or as a heroic deed. In this context, the honor of the fighters has an important meaning. It is directly linked to the symmetry of the fighting parties. Those who do not risk be
CHOW, Tobita and WERNER, Jake, 2022. Don’t assume Russia and China are on the same page. The US can work with China. The Guardian. Online. 4 April 2022. [Accessed 4 April 2022]. Available from:
BUCUR, Cristina-Iulia, KUHN, Tobias, CEOLIN, Davide and VAN OSSENBRUGGEN, Jacco, 2021. Expressing High-Level Scientific Claims with Formal Semantics. In: Proceedings of the 11th on Knowledge Capture Conference. Online. Virtual Event USA: ACM. 2 December 2021. p. 233–240. [Accessed 5 April 2022]. ISBN 978-1-4503-8457-5. DOI 10.1145/3460210.3493561.
Basler Zeitung
Law as software and the Chinese Sozialpunktesystem
Firmengründung in Basel
Jeff Miller via matrix
GIRBA, Tudor, 2020. #remote, #nomeetings, #noestimation, #nobacklog. #storytelling. How we work at feenk. Medium. Online. 15 May 2020. [Accessed 1 July 2021]. Available from:
Basler Zeitung
See Tetralemma and Logical Garnet.
Intelligent 3D Graph Exploration with Time-Travel Features
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I am a research mathematician at Sandbox AQ, which originated within Alphabet Inc., and was previously a postdoc at X, the Moonshot Factory. I am also a visiting research professor of mathematics at The Master's University where I help run The Math3ma Institute. I finished my PhD in mathematics in spring 2020 at the CUNY Graduate Center under the supervision of John Terilla. My research interests lie in the intersection of quantum physics, machine intelligence, and category theory. Below is a list of my research, publications, and more. [https://www.math
FedWiki Ecosystem ⇒ Ward via matrix
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