Mental Model

While 3D Scene Graphs can serve as an advanced “mental model” for robots, how to build such a rich representation in real-time remains uncharted territory.


HUGHES, Nathan, CHANG, Yun and CARLONE, Luca, 2022. Hydra: A Real-time Spatial Perception System for 3D Scene Graph Construction and Optimization. arXiv. Online. 2022. [Accessed 22 November 2022]. Available from:

One of the disciplines of a Learning Organization. A team is any group that "pulls together". Team Learning is about dialogue, conversation, development, creating meaning in teams and groups of people. Usually one participant - or an invited outsider - takes on the role of moderator (= mediating the dialogue) or facilitator (= making the learning easier). Team Learning can use tools and methods like Systems Thinking, Shared Vision and a Mental Model.

There are three critical types of thinking necessary to be empowered creators in the new economy – three types of thinking we are challenged to develop in our students.