A Network Device Interface (__NDI__) is a royalty-free software standard developed by NewTek to enable video-compatible products to communicate, deliver, and receive broadcast-quality video in a high-quality, low-latency manner that is frame-accurate and suitable for switching in a live production environment - wikipedia

> NDI carries video, multichannel uncompressed audio[citation needed] and metadata. Metadata messages can be sent in both directions allowing the sender and receiver to message one another over the connection with arbitrary metadata in XML form.[4] This directional metadata system allows for functionality such as active tally information fed back to sources to understand that they are on-air (program / preview).

# Why we use NDI At Media Garden we use NDI to connect the software we build and the applications we support in order the allow us to pipe video and audio from one application on one computer to another in a decentralised production, or live show.

# Software

# See also