Permanent Web

What is the permanent web? Why is it important? Here we have an initial discussion of the permanent web, and how we can start creating it with a mixture of existing technologies.

The IPFS team is already hard at work on a feature that would allow a web app to keep trucking along even if the original server disappears, and it’s already built a chat app to demonstrate the concept.

But Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the original web, isn’t worried. After all, the open web already beat out walled gardens with names like America Online, Compuserve, and Prodigy.

You can make the walled garden very very sweet. But the jungle outside is always more appealing in the long term.

- An audio note about the Permanent Web. See also the related audio-note on The Permanent Federation.

# See also

We've had a number of confusions on federated wiki in the past couple days. Maybe it's not helpful to theorize before we get further. But I believe the biggest confusions stem from no conception of a permanent identity in the system.

* HTTP is obsolete. It's time for the distributed, permanent web -

# History

This recording was made near London, by fortyfoxes, on Nov 20, 2015 at 11:15 AM - audioboom

London, Greater London, England - openstreetmap