
and Mark has 3 question questions that he always asks and that I'd love you all to ask yourself

* Who is "We"? * Where is "Home"? and * How long will we care?

because what he always says is that those questions are always already answered and they're always too small to solve the Problem that we're looking at. So it's worth reflecting on that.

START 2484 YOUTUBE DOgU8dRQhVs Marc Pierson – Causes

# Rebalance

What we really need is a rebalancing nothing too extreme we need to be very careful about how we rebalance but we need to rebalance repetition which we get a lot of rewards for at the moment and creativity because by golly do we need creativity and our school system is not producing it our school system inhibits collaboration and it inhibits creativity by rewarding Repetition.

Need to Rebalance Human Organisations

yeah um the individual versus the collective mind versus body machines versus manual me versus others differentiation versus integration and big business and government versus neighborhoods all these things really really truly need to be rebalanced and our idea at relocalizing creativity is that we start to look and See the Systems that we're a part of and we participate in doing that actively um we have a tool called a causal Loop diagram or the word that I've now converted it to is a community Loop drawing which essentially allows people to be able to capture their understanding and make explicit their understanding of the way that that their system works their system being their neighborhood and therefore how to optimize it where the leverage points are in that system really really important to be able to do that and to go out and do the experiments and communities to start learning from the system itself and we do that by having conversations what we call campfire conversations cfire conversations and cave drawings yeah go it sounds like it's going backwards but it's not it's very much aided by modern thinking and technology and it's about us all being able to share our understanding because when we pull our understanding we become much more powerful and we're aiming to take that as I said to absolutely every neighborhood in the world um and you're going to hear from one of them later in the next panel uh

Chris Casas um who's working in Superior Arizona he'll be talking about his experience taking some of this forward in his community uh we intend to to spread through an Exponential Spread Model called see one do one teach one um because without exponential we won't make it in time is my personal belief and what we want to do is to have neighborhood activists to be our apprentices ideally one per neighborhood and what you can do about that is you can help us to identify them maybe you might be an activist yourself maybe you might be interested in learning how to build community Loop drawings and take your community through this exercise I hope some of you will um one slide here just some links and how to contact me if you're interested and the final word I'll leave to um this young lady um who had this written on her sweatshirt um at the last um at the last Workshop that I ran in Spain a couple of weeks ago um that the best way to predict the future is to create it