Reference Filter

A Container is an object from the Outside and a Process from the Inside. (Bricken, Iconic Arithmetic Volume I, p. 137)

Filter the page story and create a reference value (array):

// HEIGHT 256


Ward via matrix I wonder, if the Frame plugin were to expose the lineup, what would it offer? Maybe fabricated Reference items as one could construct themselves in one page? Maybe a list of page context as returned for the current page now? Maybe something about sources found in the lineup as read out of the dom and accessible by other Frame request messages? Opinions? eric

eric I'm imagining a protocol like this (modeled on the example of requestFrameContext): the html script inside the frame would setup a listener to receive the lineup, and then send a message to request that lineup: […] matrix

We send a message to the Frame asking it to send us info about the page surrounding it. mdn

window.addEventListener('message', ({data}) => { if (data.action != "lineup") { return; } const {lineup} = data; // do something with that lineup }) window.parent.postMessage({ action: "sendLineup" }, "*")

And the frame plugin might reply like so:

lineup = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.page'), (el) => structuredClone($(el).data('data')))

TIL about structuredClone() mdn

From earlier separate conversation, we might offer a similar protocol for requesting the collection of sitemaps currently in the neighborhood.