I – Kaie wonder, whether the term digital dark age reflects more of the concerns for the studies of history or more of the fear to leave no mark. (See How to Make A Mark?)
The term probably also refers to a loss of connectivity – when people can't see each others thoughts due to technical barriers of one or another kind, that evokes a feeling of loneliness. A feat of losing ones roots?
(Same for my own thoughts when it comes to a relation with myself over time?).
I neertheless think, we should adress this problem, also because ist is one aspect of a more general matter of accessibility. Maybe pocket infrastructure (see Pocket Infrastructures in the plural) could be a solution as well?
One last thought: Facing climate and other crises the idea of endless progress in digital development seems to me at least optimistic. So the problem of digital dark age is perhaps not only a problem of progess but maybe also of regress and lost access?
(And we haven't mentioned that also today many people don't have access to an advanced ditigal infrastructure.)