Scrum Agile


digraph { layout=dot rankdir=LR overlap=false concentrate=true node [style=filled shape=box ] "Scrum/\nAgile"[color=blue4 fontcolor=white] Goals [color=blue fontcolor=white] Programs [color=lightblue4 fontcolor=white] Projects [color=lightblue3] Processes [color=lightblue2] Results [color=lightblue1] "Scrum/\nAgile" -> Goals [label=delivers color=blue penwidth=2] "Scrum/\nAgile" -> {Programs Projects} [label=organizes color=blue penwidth=2] "Scrum/\nAgile" -> Processes [label=creates color=blue penwidth=2] "Scrum/\nAgile" -> Results [label=delivers color=blue penwidth=2] }

Ok this will take a little patience.

We are going to explain and adapt the method that transformed computer programming so it fits nicely for neighborhood creativity and development.

Thompson Morrison is doing amazing work adapting Agile for the transformation of schools in Oregon and Australia.

My proximate goal is to fit Scrum Agile for the Columbia Valley Community, here in Whatcom County. Happily, my contact in the community is an experienced computer programmer and mathematician. We should learn a lot in the process, so that these methods and explanations become more useful for other neighborhoods.

Jira is a particular Agile tool by Atlassian. A password is needed to use this instance.

Below are Scrum's key meetings and roles.

# Place the cursor inside "graph" to get some refactoring options digraph { layout=dot rankdir=LR overlap=false concentrate=true node [style=filled shape=box color=blue fontcolor=white] bgcolor=lightblue Scrum -> { "Sprint\nPlanning\nMeeting" Sprint } "Backlog\nList" "Product\nBacklog\nOwner" "Scrum\nMaster" "Scrum\nTeam" "Sprint\nPlanning\nMeeting" "Sprint" Epic Sprint -> {"Daily\nScrum""Retrospective" Epic} "Sprint\nPlanning\nMeeting" -> { "Backlog\nList" "Product\nBacklog\nOwner" "Scrum\nMaster" "Scrum\nTeam"} }