Self-sovereign identity

With __self-sovereign identity (SSI)__ the individual identity holders can fully create and control their credentials, without being forced to request permission of an intermediary or centralised authority and gives control over how their personal data is shared and used. wikipedia

Relationship between entities, identities and attributes / identifiers - wikimedia

The user has a means of generating and controlling unique Identifier as well as some facility to store identity data.

Decentralized identifiers (DIDs) can be used to enable self-sovereign identities - wikimedia

A SSI can be a decentralised identity, but could also be data from a Social_login, a history of transactions on an e-commerce site, or attestation from friends or colleagues.

In the centralised identity paradigm a person’s identity is provided by some outside entity. In the decentralised identity paradigm the user is at the centre of the framework and there is no need for third parties to issue and administer an identity.

- If you build an island,... - - Where to begin with OIDC and... - - Self-Issued OpenID Connect... - - Leading the Way to a Better... - - The principles of user... - - Kaliya-IdentityWoman on -

# OpenID Connect for Verifiable Presentations This specification defines an extension of OpenID Connect to allow presentation of claims in the form of W3C Verifiable Credentials as part of the protocol flow in addition to claims provided in the id_token and/or via Userinfo responses -

This specification extends OpenID Connect with support for presentation of claims via W3C Verifiable Credentials.