

> **For the world society itself, for the critical question of further evolution in one instance, the proof of the possibility is pending.**


> **After consolidation of the world society, however, the question will arise whether the unity of the evolving system does not make all intermediate solutions obsolete and if one wants further evolution, one must also plan it.**

is a Process

[…], Distinction is made between modifications ("accommodats") or somations, which an individual plant or animal acquires in an environment new to it, corresponding to the changes of acclimatization experienced by a group of individuals and their offspring when introduced into a country new to them, and, on the other hand, hereditary, or "statistical," adaptations.

"Statistical" is a term applied to adaptations to a given condition or medium, which are numerically frequent, but not necessarily always present, under such conditions. The webbed foot characteristic of aquatic animals, fleshy leaves of plants of desert or seaboard, dwarf plants of mountain tops, are chiefly under hereditary control and statistically numerous, though not universally found, under these given conditions; that is, not all aquatic vertebrates have webbed feet.

GEROULD, John H., 1926. Cuenot on Adaptation. The Quarterly Review of Biology. January 1926. Vol. 1, no. 1, p. 119–123. DOI 10.1086/394240.


statistically | BrE stəˈtɪstɪkli, AmE stəˈtɪstək(ə)li | adverb statistisch