There are many forms of studio that we have been exploring over the last 30 years. The vision for this __studio__ emerged from creating social spaces where people could party. Warehouse spaces, art studios, squats. In theses spaces we built sound systems, painted walls, created interactive installations and worked extensively with projected video. We now call these spaces a studio.
# At home
The first place we might want to start is. at home, with the simple experience of listening to media in a better way. We can start with:
- Wiki TV
If we get more ambitious, we can develop our own home-based media studio:
# In the community
More practically for some, is to reach out to the local community and find a social space where there is energy and interest. This is how most projects started in the past: - Vaudeville Court TV - Lovecode TV - Minesweeper and Tardis Studios - Finfest and the Radio Picnic
I'm working on this again in my local area, but with a new perspective:
# Artists
Artists, journalists and startups of various kinds can now build there own media stations in studios they host:
- Podcasting Studio and Mobile Audio Studio - Real Spaces Studio and the Obeya Studio
# See also
- Budget Studio and Pi Studio - 2 Mics Studio and 4 Mics Studio