Wikipedia turns 20 on January 15, 2021. Several people are planning an event, __One World Birthday__, to mark the occasion. See One World Event Team
See One World
Event structure
There will be two portions, loosely connected: one produced by David Bovill , ~4pm London, and one produced by Pete Forsyth, ~4pm Pacific.
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Pete's portion explores themes similar to this panel he moderated for the 15th Birthday. - Source
# Pete's portion of the event: - __Park Bench discussion__ (similar to Wikidojo) A pre-selected group of 4-5 people talk 1-1, in sequence, on our theme. (~0:10 each) - Ward Cunningham is one. Pete recruits the rest. Ideally: people in diverse fields with views about importance/significance of Wikipedia. Not "Wikipedians" per se. (1 hour) - __Q&A__ Pete summarizes the discussions, then facilitates Q&A. (0:30, then 0:15 break) - __Wikidojo__: any may participate. A "pilot" drives a shared screen as they edit wiki for 7 minutes; a "navigator" verbally guides. (1 hour) __Conclusion__ (further planning needed) Needs to tie in themes of One World, climate change/One Football, social justice, journalism, and promote opportunities to remain engaged.
Further relevant details
Wikipedia's 20th roughly coincides with 25 years of wiki, 10 years of FedWiki, 10 years of Wikidata, 10 years of Wiki Strategies.
Wikipedians around the world celebrated Wikipedia's 15th Birthday; see videos etc.
Wikipedia @20 is a book of essays. Pete wrote a chapter: Trusting Everybody to Work Together.
Discussed: Green Deal Wiki, WikiCari, AfroCROWD, News On Wiki, World Climate School, COP26