Distribution Boundary

When speaking about oneself, using “I,” Magic is performed. One creates oneself by creating oneself. “I” is the Operator who is the result of the Operation.

The **Problem** is to interrupt the shortest self-referential (Thing One) Loop.

A Parser (Thing Two) that can loop indefinitely. page

> This can be helpful when parsing repeated Structures, […]

Compare **Distribution Boundary** with the following figure taken from the "Evidencing New Psych Forms" page.

The system under consideration in developmental studies; no Part can be considered independent of any other part. (Evidencing New Psych Forms)

Cf. the question "Where should the distribution boundary be?" (within HOPP)

FIGURE 1 Where should the distribution boundary be?

Cf. Two-Sided Form (within the framework of Luhmann's sociological Systems Theory)

System-environment (Umwelt) distinction that re-enters itself on the system side (Re-entry).

2 two-sided forms 'are' the HOPP pattern in a 2+2 arrangement.