
Does the environment of a System consists of all of the factors which may separately or in combination change its State? We try to give an answer to another "Environment" page referred to below.

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The environment of a system consists of all of the factors which may separately or in combination change its state. …

**Note**: A system can change its state only by its own operations. It can be irritated by its environment, which it constructs itself by distinguishing it**self** from it. [⇒ Anchor – *The User Need* brought us here.]

How does the communication between a system and its environment take place? Via Transducers operating at the Boundary between them? Does a disturbance in the environment must be taken into account by the system?

Are the environments of systems also conceptualized recursively?

The system under consideration in developmental studies; no Part can be considered independent of any other part. (Evidencing New Psych Forms)

While we generally think of the natural world of air and water, flora and fauna, when we talk about "the environment," can the concept of environment be applied equally well to organizations, markets, political and cultural contexts, and abstract ideas?