List Indexcard G
grep (within Software as Tools)
Genozid (within r.Jenseits.Janser)
- (within r.Homo.Bammé)
=> 6740: Genozid/Lüge
Grappling (within Technical Debt)
Goal to be honest (within Self-Esteem)
> […] when an automatic goal to be honest is activated.
Ghost (within Efficient Proxies in Smalltalk)
- Globalization (within The Problem Domain)
Growing Regions → "**growing**" - Growing a Language by Guy Steele
Gegenbegriffsaustausch, 2122
Getting to Yes, 6454 See: William Ury, 6453
Gegenbegriff, 6764 (counter-concept)
Graph See: Dependency Graph, 6775
End of List Indexcard
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