Herbert Leuthold

"Many unvaccinated people thought nothing would happen to them. Then they lie in the intensive care bed, look with big eyes and say: It's going well, it's going well. They want to be positive. To participate. And you know exactly, they are not doing well. We have to intubate half of them sooner or later. For some, death is waiting. We feel completely powerless in these situations."(Basler Zeitung, 2021-12-08, p. 3)

"When you have a large number of non-Covid patients in poor condition and at the same time so many Covid patients needing intensive care and treatment, we reach our limits very quickly with the current staffing ratio."

"The quality, the care, the focus - everything suffers with too many patients. You can't manage it anymore. And then comes the fear of making mistakes that you can't forgive yourself for afterwards. When we stand in front of someone who has died, we can't just turn away and say, "It just wasn't enough. That's not how we function."

"It will take two years for the new recruits hired after the second wave to be at the same level as those specialists who left. We lost some very good people who we didn't think would leave. Some of them said they quit because they can't carry that load and responsibility like that anymore."

"What also causes us trouble among the nursing staff in the intensive care unit is the hostility to which we too are sometimes subjected. You force us to vaccinate, they say. Or: It's only the flu, they would all have died anyway, it's your own fault that you have so much to do now, you've reduced the number of beds. This also comes from acquaintances, friends and relatives. Often in a hostile, aggressive way.