Map Varieties

A Distinction Network can be converted into a Map by enlarging each node until neighbors touch, constructing a common border in place of each Link.

Link connectivity becomes territorial contact. [⇒ Walls Become Doors]

Unlike circle maps and rectangle maps, both steps maps and rooms maps are anthropomorphized.

**Steps.** The curvature of common borders in the steps map below incorporates visual cues in a third dimension that locate the top step, and show the relative depths of other steps. In the third form, background areas not part of the map but captured by the map are darkened to better contrast steps from background. A redundant point-of- reference dot is added to clearly identify the top step. Were the convex/concave depth cues to be lost by straightening the borders, the reference dot becomes the sole indicator of the top step.


For map varieties, reduction deletes borders. The boundary logic reduction rules are expressed below as steps forms. SHALLOW PERVASION is represented by slipping the pervaded step out from under the lower step. In steps maps, PERVASION deletes a common border, rather than disconnecting a link, or erasing a form.


**Rooms.** Rather than enforcing separation of non-adjacent territories with captured space, the walls of rooms enforce non-adjacency, while open doors represent shared borders. PERVASION simply closes a door, while OCCLUSION closes off several rooms, creating an "empty room" by denying access. INVOLUTION deletes walls. A room map is TRUE whenever there is direct access to an empty room from the outside.


> 4:44 … perspectives … walls became joint property

We imagine diagrams retrieved and aligned in 3d based on features they share. These provide portals through which attention and decorations can travel.


