
The term “process” describes a temporally irreversible Sequence of events [⇒ Event (Ereignis)].

between Synthesis and Analysis


A Mentoring Course on Smalltalk: `match:`,`matches:`

p. 97: If the static context above represents the Location in the Information Space, then what is the Direction of the Traversal implied by matches:?

Behaviors define how the Card acts when a user or another card interacts with it. Behaviors computation is replicated on all user systems, providing a perfect, bit-identical shared experience. croquet

Well, it seems to be going from a Location (or static Context) of non-empty Intervals towards one in which the intervals are empty. Thus, if that is the case, the matter of matches: appears to imply two issues that need to be addressed.

The first one is: Do both intervals become empty at the same Time? The answer to this question is the Value of matches: — assuming the Traversal can be performed in the first place! Clearly, the traversal ’abc’ matches: ’xyz’ will not get anywhere. Therefore, the second issue is can the traversal reach a point in which at least one of the intervals is empty?

We can put those two questions together. Thus, in simpler terms, the value of matches: is the answer to the assertion the traversal reaches a point at which both intervals become empty simultaneously. Hopefully these points will be the attractors of the information space as implied by matches:.

[…] In other words, matches: translates the Pattern and the String into a direction vector at each Step of the trip!

p. 226: The function takes a position vector from the space it is embedded in, chooses a direction in which to move, and produces a vector which represents how much it wants to move.

p. 287: […] every Traversal will alternate between each perpendicular direction at each Step. This means that each up-down context has the knowledge to create a left-right context that can help further, and so on.