Data Visualisation

Here we look at tools for data visualisation for Platform Earth and wiki.

Our requirement is that we use easy to understand, open, grammars and services that enable us to create graphs from json data in wiki. This enables us to decouple the authoring tools for graph visualisation from both the raw data itself and the visualisations of that data.

For the Worldscape project we seek to project data onto the surface of the earth using projection mapping and pico projectors. For this we look also to map demographic data n the form of heat maps and other visualisations.

# Simulations

A core goal of the Publishing Pipeline for wiki is the ability to author, and then include rich models of simulations in wiki.

The strategy here is to provide open tools to create content and then publish these simulations to modern HTML5 and Javascript. This methodology allows us to include models and simulations in the static sites and published to the permanent web.

There are three main types of visualisation that we aim to include in wiki: - WebGL Models - Data driven charts

# See also