Emergent Behaviours

When does a Signal emerge from Nothing?

**Note:** Jon Richter's when question makes a before and an after distinguishable. [⇒ Difference between Before and After]

Within the language of boundary forms, we would say that the Whole arises out of framing Nothing. [⇒ Framing]

When does it do it from Chaos and Noise? [⇒ Order from Noise, Identity and Control]

What makes a significant, sufficient trigger to switch between the one and the other? [⇒ Flip Operation]

These are questions that we can ask in absence of other explanations. The observation is the following: simple patterns and feedback loops together can create a quality that acts as a regulatory system. The individual property does not have an effect on the state of the system. It is many adjacent properties that effect each other, and through that the overall behaviour.

The resulting emergent behaviours are a byproduct of combining the effects of local organisation principles on a larger scale. [⇒ Emerging Behaviours]

To describe this becoming and passing of social forms and the incalculability of individuals as Creativity, however, would be to make hasty use of a special cultural vocabulary. In his book "Die Erfindung der Kreativität: zum Prozess gesellschaftlicher Ästhetisierung" (The invention of creativity: on the process of social aestheticization), Andreas Reckwitz is not concerned with this ontological level of becoming and passing, the constant Emergence of the new in the world per se, but with a much more specific cultural phenomenon that characterizes our present: the social creativity complex as a historically exceptional phenomenon of the last third of the 20th century, prepared since the end of the 18th century and especially since the beginning of the 20th century.

This many-limbed complex suggests us to think about and desire our creativity in very presuppositional terms, to practice it in appropriate techniques, and to shape ourselves in the direction of creative subjects: Creativity as a social and cultural phenomenon has been invented, as it were, in this Context.


We've equipped wiki with a means to draw pictures of work in progress that can guide this work to completion. This suggests a commons favorable interaction with authors and their robots. pdf

Author-Robot Interplay: Navigating in Contexts

The idea would be to modify [More About Algorithmic Markup](http://ward.asia.wiki.org/view/welcome-visitors/view/more-about-algorithmic-markup) and the [Wiki's Robot Scouts](http://code.fed.wiki/view/welcome-visitors/view/wikis-robot-scouts) so that the Complexity of the [Guiding Diagrams](http://ward.asia.wiki.org/view/welcome-visitors/view/guiding-diagrams) can be gradually reduced. – Ralf Barkow via matrix

For technicians and planning theorists, the problem of complexity was the crucial problem at that time: planning runs on complexity, the planning entity stands outside of what it plans and does not have the "Requisite Variety" (Ashby), i.e. the possibility to assume as many states as what it plans or as the world outside. It must reduce complexity, as the formula is then called. It must try to find elegant solutions to much more difficult problems. It must simplify. It has to engineer, abstract, form models, and then try to control systems through such models.

Ward via matrix

Ralf has here reminded me of the aspirations and implementation of algorithmic diagrams, especially the speculation that automatically refreshed diagrams might guide a work in progress. Now we know, yes, they deliver guidance, within a region, but possibly not over the scope of a large effort, such as Mike Hales describes.

Ralf adds to this the notion of gradually reducing complexity. I'm unsure if the diagrams themselves are to be reduced, or if the presence of the diagrams would guide reduction in the complexity of what they represent. Let's explore both.

I mention implementation because an exotic feature of algorithmic drawing was that it could read enough pages fast enough to be useful. It could do this on its own by overlapping the I/O associated with its graph traversal. If we want to look further some "precomputing" will be necessary. Classically databases build and maintain "indexes". Our decentralized variation is called Site Survey. I'd like to push on this to collect data and maybe explore new ways to render what has been collected.