Moldable Development Toolkit

The difference between Glamorous Toolkit (GT for short) and classic Smalltalk lies in the Interface. The idea starts from the observation that we cannot experience anything in a System except through a Tool. discord

Therefore, the tool is essential.

**But,** Software is highly contextual.

**Therefore,** tools much be contextual, too. To make it economically feasible to create custom tools we need an Environment as a Language.

**But,** the key is to start from the smallest problems (details), not from the largest ones.

Our smallest problem, which we are starting from here, began with the Smallest Federated Wiki. And the big question is: How does the Federated Wiki work?

Question about the Wiki system are now to be communicated with the help of specially developed tools. The working title for this tools is Federated Lepiter.

Originally we wanted to import a Federated Wiki Backup into a Lepiter DB. See Reloading from Backup

The following image shows our current state of development. We can display wiki pages as Lepiter twin pages.

Lepiter twin page of this wiki page

And the following image with the title Transcript leads to our next (small?) problem. We wonder how we can integrate the transcript of the video recording of Tomasz Patola's lecture, which provided the title for this wiki page, into it. discord post


YOUTUBE GvkvBD_OB5M Tomasz Patola
