Journal, Nov 2023

DOT FROM lambda-browsing

Blargl, a distraction-free WYSIWYG Markdown editor written in Elm. github

Ward via matrix

Ward via matrix

Becoming Glamorous: how GlamorousToolkit can run Emacs Lisp. post (2021-05-09)

Niklas Luhmann, probably the most creative German sociologist of the post-war period, died 25 years ago.

Ask the Slug to "Answer a String representation of the receiver from which the receiver can be reconstructed." See {{gtMethod:Object>>#storeString}}.

Convert Visitors into Customers (vs. Clients as "a network of peers")

Ask the Slug to "Answer a String representation of the receiver from which the receiver can be reconstructed." See {{gtMethod:Object>>#storeString}}.

Good morning #gt post

npm install -g wiki

Video HTML5 post

image - upload 1247d4b590b5a48628ee755f795380e2.jpg
