How I Read

One of the best methodological frameworks I’ve seen for reading with humility is Joe Dumit’s (unmarked) “How I Read.”

Max Liboiron, Pollution Is Colonialism, p. 31 ↔︎

Reading modes based on Joseph Dumit’s ‘How I Read’ wayback pdf by Michelle La.

and Michelle Murphy created this spreadsheet version that we used in our class “Another University Is Possible”.

Notes on reading modes sent to a grad class: I wanted to respond to the questions raised during our class regarding what kind of a reading I have been doing over these weeks. I see it as close (as opposed to general), constructive (as opposed to deconstructive), positive (as opposed to negative), generous (as opposed to critical), slightly genealogical (as opposed to hermeneutic), methodological in focus (as opposed to explicative), and ethical (as opposed to descriptive). Given this little machine of reading possibilities I can see almost any combination of the above as a possible mode of reading. I should note here that this is not necessarily a ‘conceptual system of possible readings’ that I am committed to – I may not use it in this way again – nonetheless it is a working draft. Comments appreciated. Now I will more fully elaborate what I mean.

So there you have what I hope is a helpful, considered analysis of my own reading practices at this moment. I would really welcome any comments that come to mind, especially challenges, criticisms, additions, deletions, etc.