List Indexcard P
* Pattern Catalog ((within Problem-Solution Dichotomy) within Enterprise Architecture Function)
Problem See: Uni Basel Admits Problems, Problemdeterminierte Systeme (within Formen)
perceptible (within tangible)
Pattern Language (within Design justice)
The Problem Is “I,” (within "I") See Distribution Boundary (within Half Object Plus Protocol (HOPP))
Parsing of Repeated Structures ⇒ Loop and answer a recurring Problem.
**Probe** (within Site Survey)
- (within r.Culkin.McLuhan)
Perfect Hashing (within Distinguish N Objects)
Perspective (within r.Data.Homan.Kovacs)
Poetical Science (within Software as Tools)
Portal See: dreyeck Portal
Postkolonialismus (within r.Jenseits.Janser)
program (within Coaxing a Program into Existence)
Psychological Affordances
=> Paradoxical Decision-Making, 6727
Processes That Require Memory (within)
Pair, 6778 ⇒ Association See: Forward and Backward Association
Pair of Distinct Objects (within Location in the Network of Message Paths) - **Path** See: Path of Interest
[beaten] Path See also: Trampelpfad
Personal Mastery (within Smalltalk)
Pitch ((within Preface) within Kent Beck’s guide to better Smalltalk) See: unplug
Curing the Vulnerable Parser (within Secure Automata) See: Parser
**PetitParser** (within Parsing for Agile Modeling) See: **Exploratory Parsing**
→ "**~/parse/0**"
Protein (within Graph Databases of Protein Structures) See: Similarity Query
Ports as the basis of an Object-Capability Model on the web page
Particle Movement (within the Geometric Amoebot Model)
Progress See: Angelus Novus
=> Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch (Zum ewigen Frieden, 6445)
=> New Western History, 6461
Process Reliability, 6725
Present/Absent, 6730
Absence/Presence, 6806
Polydox, 6812
End of List Indexcard
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